Awake is called when the script instance is being loaded.
昨天同事问到这个问题的时候才自己测试了一遍,才发现我的理解是错误的。测试发现Awake只有在Active为true的时候会被调用一次。此外在查找资料的时候发现了Unity论坛里面有人在讨论这个问题Something like Awake that runs even if disabled?。有答案说构造方法会在GameObject的Active为false的时候会被调用,测试了一下却是如此。
Note: The checkbox for disabling a MonoBehavior (on the editor) will only prevent Start(), Awake(), Update(), FixedUpdate(), and OnGUI() from executing. If none of these functions are present, the checkbox is not displayed.
总结: 看文档要仔细,理论的知识都要自己实践并验证一下。